Control ======================= Controllers provide the "glue" between the physical robot's actuators, sensors, and planners. They are very similar to planners in that they generate controls for the robot, but the main difference is that a controller is expected to work online and synchronously within a fixed, small time budget. As a result, they can only perform relatively light computations. Actuators --------- At the lowest level, a robot is controlled by *actuators*. These receive instructions from the controller and produce link torques that are used by the simulator. Klamp't supports three types of actuator: - *Torque control* accepts torques and feeds them directly to links. - *PID control* accepts a desired joint value and velocity and uses a PID control loop to compute link torques servo to the desired position. Gain constants kP, kI, and kD should be tuned for behavior similar to those of the physical robot. PID controllers may also accept feedforward torques. - *Locked velocity control* drives a link at a fixed velocity. *Experimental*. (Note: this is different from "soft" velocity control which feeds a piecewise linear path to a PID controller) Note that the PID control and locked velocity control loops are performed as fast as possible with the simulation time step. This rate is typically faster than that of the robot controller. Hence a PID controlled actuator typically performs better (rejects disturbances faster, is less prone to instability) than a torque controlled actuator with a simulated PID loop at the controller level. .. important:: When using Klamp't to prototype behaviors for a physical robot, the simulated actuators should be calibrated to mimic the robot's true low-level motor behavior as closely as possible. It is also the responsibility of the user to ensure that the controller uses the simulated actuators in the same fashion as it would use the robot's physical actuators. For example, for a PID controlled robot with no feedforward torque capabilities, it would not be appropriate to use torque control in Klamp't. If a robot does not allow changing the PID gains, then it would not be appropriate to do so in Klamp't. Klamp't will not automatically configure your controller for compatibility with the physical actuators, nor will it complain if such errors are made. Controllers ----------- |Controller illustration| The number of ways in which a robot may be controlled is infinite, and can range from extremely simple methods, e.g., a linear gain, to extremely complex ones, e.g. an operational space controller or a learned policy. Yet, all controllers are structured as a simple callback loop: repeatedly read off sensor data, perform some processing, and write motor commands. The implementation of the internal processing is open to the user. Default motion queue controller ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |Motion queue illustration| The default controller for each robot is a motion-queued controller with optional feedforward torques, which simulates typical controllers for industrial robots. It supports piecewise linear and piecewise cubic interpolation, as well as time-optimal acceleration-bounded trajectories. The trajectory interpolation profile is the standard trapezoidal velocity profile, except it also accepts interruption and arbitrary start and goal velocities. |Trapezoidal velocity profiles| (Note: One limitation of the API is that it is impossible to have certain joints controlled by a motion queue, while others are controlled by PID commands.) API summary ~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Basic commands** - ``controller = sim.getController(RobotModel or robot index)``: retrieves the simulation controller for the given wobot - ``controller.setPIDGains (kP,kI,kD)``: overrides the PID gains in the RobotModel to kP,kI,kD (lists of floats of lengths robot.numDrivers()) - ``controller.setRate(dt)``: sets the time step of the internal controller to update every dt seconds - ``controller.setPIDCommand(qdes,[dqes])``: sets the desired PID setpoint - ``controller.setVelocity(dqdes,duration)``: sets a linearly increasing PID setpoint for all joints, starting at the current setpoint, and slopes in the list dqdes. After duration time it will stop. - ``controller.setTorque(t)``: sets a constant torque command t, which is a list of n floats. **Motion queue operations (wraps around a PID controller)** Convention: ``setX`` methods move immediately to the indicated milestone, ``add/append`` creates a motion from the end of the motion queue to the indicated milestone - ``controller.remainingTime()``: returns the remaining time in the motion queue, in seconds. - ``controller.set/addMilestone(qdes,[dqdes])``: sets/appends a smooth motion to the configuration qdes, ending with optional joint velocities dqdes. - ``controller.addMilestoneLinear(qdes)``: same as addMilestone, except the motion is constrained to a linear joint space path (Note: addMilestone may deviate) - ``controller.set/appendLinear(qdes,dt)``: sets/appends a linear interpolation to the destination qdes, finishing in dt seconds - ``controller.set/addCubic(qdes,dqdes,dt)``: moves immediately along a smooth cubic path to the destination qdes with velocity dqdes, finishing in dt seconds **Querying robot state** - ``controller.getCommandedConfig()``: retrieve PID setpoint - ``controller.getCommandedVelocity()``: retrieve PID desired velocity - ``controller.getSensedConfig()``: retrieve sensed configuration from joint encoders - ``controller.getSensedVelocity()``: retrieve sensed velocity from joint encoders - ``controller.sensor(index or name)``: retrieve SimRobotSensor reference by index/name Custom control loops ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To define a custom controller, the user should implement a custom control loop. At every time step, read the robot's sensors, compute the control, and then send the control to the robot via the ``setPIDCommand`` or ``setTorqueCommand`` methods. The following example shows a very simple example that just moves the commanded configuration by 1 radian / sec over 10 seconds. .. code:: python import klampt world = klampt.WorldModel() world.readFile("my_world_file.xml") sim = klampt.Simulator(world) controller = sim.getController(0) dt = 0.01 while sim.getTime() < 10: #TODO put your control code here q = controller.getCommandedConfig() q[1] += 1*dt #move at 1 radian / sec controlller.setPIDCommand(q,[0]*len(q)) #advance the simulation sim.simulate(dt) print "End configuration:",controller.getSensedConfig() In general, your control loop can make use of sensors and planners. There are countless ways to implement robot behaviors, and you are only limited by your imagination. Experimental controller API ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ``klampt_sim`` script also accepts arbitrary feedback controllers given as input. To do so, provide as input a .py file with a single ``make(robot)`` function that returns a controller object. This object should be an instance of a subclass ``BaseController`` in `control.controller `__. For example, to see a controller that interfaces with ROS, see `control/ `__. A ``BaseController`` interface is a very simple object with three important methods: - ``output(self,**inputs)``: given a set of named inputs, produce a dictionary of named outputs. The semantics of the inputs and outputs are defined by the caller. - ``advance(self,**inputs)``: advance by a single time step, performing any necessary changes to the controller's state. .. note:: ``output`` should NOT change internal state! The only state-changing functions should be implemented in advance. - ``signal(self,type,**inputs)``: sends some asynchronous signal to the controller. The usage is caller dependent. (This method is never called directly by ``klampt_sim``, but some higher controllers may call it.) ``klampt_sim`` will structure a sensor message as the inputs to ``output`` and ``advance``. Specifically, this is a dictionary of named sensor items containing the following elements: - t: the current simulation time - dt: the controller time step - q: the robot's current sensed configuration - dq: the robot's current sensed velocity - qcmd: the robot's current commanded configuration - dqcmd: the robot's current commanded configuration - The names of each sensors in the simulated robot controller, mapped to a list of its measurements. ``klampt_sim`` expects ``output`` to return a dictionary that represents a command message. A command message can have one of the following combinations of keys, signifying which type of joint control should be used: - qcmd: use PI control. - qcmd and dqcmd: use PID control. - qcmd, dqcmd, and torquecmd: use PID control with feedforward torques. - dqcmd and tcmd: perform velocity control with the given actuator velocities, executed for time tcmd. - torquecmd: use torque control. Several existing controllers have been implemented in `control/ `__ to make the design and composition of controllers a bit easier, e.g., finite state machines, switching controllers, linear controllers, etc. Internally the controller can produce arbitrarily complex behavior. Several common design patterns are implemented in `control/ `__: - ``TimedControllerSequence``: runs a sequence of sub-controllers, switching at predefined times. - ``MultiController``: runs several sub-controllers in parallel, with the output of one sub-controller cascading into the input of another. For example, a state estimator could produce a better state estimate q for another controller. - ``ComposeController``: composes several sub-vectors in the input into a single vector in the output. Most often used as the last stage of a MultiController when several parts of the body are controlled with different sub-controllers. - ``LinearController``: outputs a linear function of some number of inputs. - ``LambdaController``: outputs ``f(arg1,...,argk)`` for any arbitrary Python function ``f``. - ``StateMachineController``: a base class for a finite state machine controller. The subclass must determine when to transition between sub-controllers. - ``TransitionStateMachineController``: a finite state machine controller with an explicit matrix of transition conditions. A trajectory tracking controller is given in `control/trajectory\ `__. Its make function accepts a robot model (optionally ``None``) and a linear path file name. A preliminary velocity-based operational space controller is implemented in `control/ `__, but its use is highly experimental at the moment. State estimation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Controllers may or may not perform state estimation. Using the interface, state estimators can be implemented as ``BaseController`` subclasses that calculate the estimated state objects in the ``output()`` method. .. |Controller illustration| image:: _static/images/concepts-controller.png .. |Motion queue illustration| image:: _static/images/motion-queue.png .. |Trapezoidal velocity profiles| image:: _static/images/trapezoidal-velocity-profile.png