Source code for klampt.sim.simlog

from ..math import vectorops,so3,se3

[docs]class SimLogger: """A CSV logger for a simulation. """ def __init__(self,sim,state_fn,contact_fn=None,colliding='all',saveheader=True): """ Logs a simulation to a CSV file. Arguments: sim (Simulator): the klampt.Simulator object you wish to use state_fn (str): the file that you want to save state to contact_fn (str, optional): the file that you want to save contacts to (or None if you don't want them) colliding (list, optional): either 'all' (default) or a list of all objects and object ids that you want to check self collisions between saveheader (bool, optional): true if you want a CSV header giving the name of each value. Default = True """ self.saveSensors = False self.sim = sim self.fn = state_fn self.f = None if state_fn != None: print "SimLogger: Saving state to",state_fn self.f = open(state_fn,'w') self.f_contact = None if contact_fn != None: print "SimLogger: Saving contacts to",contact_fn self.f_contact = open(contact_fn,'w') self.colliding = [] if colliding=='all': self.sim.enableContactFeedbackAll() n = self.colliding = range(n) else: for i in colliding: if isinstance(i,int): self.colliding.append(i) elif hasattr(i,'getID'): self.colliding.append(i.getID()) elif isinstance(i,str): raise NotImplementedError("Lookup id from entity name") else: raise ValueError("Invalid object given in the colliding list") if saveheader: #need to call simulate to get proper sensor readings... self.sim.simulate(0) self.saveHeader() self.saveContactHeader() return
[docs] def saveHeader(self,extra=[]): if self.f is None: print "SimLogger: No state file specified" return world = elements = ['time'] for i in xrange(world.numRobots()): n = world.robot(i).getName() elements.append(n+'_cmx') elements.append(n+'_cmy') elements.append(n+'_cmz') for j in xrange(world.robot(i).numLinks()): elements.append(n+'_qcmd['+world.robot(i).link(j).getName()+']') for j in xrange(world.robot(i).numLinks()): elements.append(n+'_dqcmd['+world.robot(i).link(j).getName()+']') for j in xrange(world.robot(i).numLinks()): elements.append(n+'_q['+world.robot(i).link(j).getName()+']') for j in xrange(world.robot(i).numLinks()): elements.append(n+'_dq['+world.robot(i).link(j).getName()+']') for j in xrange(world.robot(i).numDrivers()): elements.append(n+'_t['+str(j)+']') if self.saveSensors: j = 0 while True: s = self.sim.controller(i).sensor(j) if len( break names = s.measurementNames() for sn in range(len(names)): elements.append(n+'_''['+names[sn]+']') j += 1 for i in xrange(world.numRigidObjects()): n = world.rigidObject(i).getName() elements += [n+'_'+suffix for suffix in ['comx','comy','comz','x','y','z','rx','ry','rz','dx','dy','dz','wx','wy','wz']] if extra: elements += extra self.f.write(','.join(elements)) self.f.write('\n') return
[docs] def saveContactHeader(self): if self.f_contact is None: print "SimLogger: No contact file specified" return elements = ['time','body1','body2'] elements += ['numContacts'] elements += ['cpx_avg','cpy_avg','cpz_avg','cnx_avg','cny_avg','cnz_avg','fx_avg','fy_avg','fz_avg','mx_avg','my_avg','mz_avg'] self.f_contact.write(','.join(elements)) self.f_contact.write('\n')
[docs] def saveStep(self,extra=[]): sim = self.sim world = sim.updateWorld() values = [] values.append(sim.getTime()) for i in xrange(world.numRobots()): robot = world.robot(i) values += robot.getCom() controller = sim.controller(i) try: values += controller.getCommandedConfig() values += controller.getCommandedVelocity() except Exception: values += [0.0]*robot.numLinks() values += [0.0]*robot.numLinks() values += sim.getActualConfig(i) values += sim.getActualVelocity(i) assert len(sim.getActualTorques(i)) == world.robot(i).numDrivers() values += sim.getActualTorques(i) if self.saveSensors: j = 0 while True: s = self.sim.controller(i).sensor(j) if len( break meas = s.getMeasurements() assert len(meas) == len(s.measurementNames()) values += meas j += 1 for i in xrange(world.numRigidObjects()): obj = world.rigidObject(i) T = obj.getTransform() values += se3.apply(T,obj.getMass().getCom()) values += T[1] values += so3.moment(T[0]) values += sim.body(obj).getVelocity()[1] values += sim.body(obj).getVelocity()[0] if self.f_contact: for i,id in enumerate(self.colliding): for j in range(i+1,len(self.colliding)): id2 = self.colliding[j] if sim.hadContact(id,id2): clist = sim.getContacts(id,id2); f = sim.contactForce(id,id2) m = sim.contactTorque(id,id2) pavg = [0.0]*3 navg = [0.0]*3 for c in clist: pavg = vectorops.add(pavg,c[0:3]) navg = vectorops.add(navg,c[3:6]) if len(clist) > 0: pavg = vectorops.div(pavg,len(clist)) navg = vectorops.div(navg,len(clist)) body1 = world.getName(id) body2 = world.getName(id2) cvalues = [sim.getTime(),body1,body2,len(clist)] cvalues += pavg cvalues += navg cvalues += f cvalues += m self.f_contact.write(','.join(str(v) for v in cvalues)) self.f_contact.write('\n') if extra: values += extra if not (self.f is None): self.f.write(','.join([str(v) for v in values])) self.f.write('\n')
[docs] def close(self): if not (self.f is None): self.f.close() if not (self.f_contact is None): self.f_contact.close()
[docs]class SimLogPlayback: """A replay class for simulation traces from SimLogger or the SimTest app. """ def __init__(self,sim,state_fn,contact_fn=None): """ Loads from a CSV file. Arguments: sim (Simulator): the klampt.Simulator object you wish to use. This should be instantiated with all objects that you recorded from. state_fn (str): the state file that you want to load contact_fn (str, optional): the contact file that you want to load """ import csv self.sim = sim self.state_header = [] self.state_array = [] self.contact_header = [] self.contact_array = [] self.state_to_index = {} self.contact_to_index = {} if state_fn != None: print "SimLogPlayback: Loading state from",state_fn f = open(state_fn,'r') reader = csv.reader(f) rowno = 0 for row in reader: if rowno == 0: self.state_header = row self.state_to_index = dict((v,i) for (i,v) in enumerate(self.state_header)) else: try: self.state_array.append([float(v) for v in row]) except ValueError: print "Error in CSV file",state_fn,"on line",rowno+1,"value is not a float" raise rowno += 1 f.close() if contact_fn != None: print "SimLogPlayback: Loading contacts from",contact_fn self.f_contact = open(contact_fn,'r') reader = csv.reader(f) rowno = 0 for row in reader: if rowno == 0: self.contact_header = row self.contact_to_index = dict((v,i) for (i,v) in enumerate(self.contact_header)) else: try: self.contact_array.append([float(v) for v in row]) except ValueError: print "Error in CSV file",contact_fn,"on line",rowno+1,"value is not a float" raise rowno += 1 f.close() #check that the simulation matches the log warned = False self.robot_indices = [] self.rigid_object_indices = [] sim = self.sim world = if "time" not in self.state_to_index: print "SimLogPlayback: Warning, 'time' column is not present in log file" robot_patterns = {'q':'%s_q[%s]','dq':'%s_dq[%s]'} for i in xrange(world.numRobots()): indices = {} found = True robot = world.robot(i) for name,p in robot_patterns.iteritems(): nindices = [] for j in xrange(robot.numLinks()): item = p % (robot.getName(), if item not in self.state_to_index: found=False break nindices.append(self.state_to_index[item]) if not found: break indices[name] = nindices if not found: print "SimLogPlayback: Warning, not all elements of robot",robot.getName(),"present in log file" warned = True self.robot_indices.append(None) continue #TODO: load sensor measurements self.robot_indices.append(indices) rigid_object_items = ['x','y','z','rx','ry','rz','dx','dy','dz','wx','wy','wz'] for i in xrange(world.numRigidObjects()): indices = {} found = True obj = world.rigidObject(i) for name in rigid_object_items: item = obj.getName()+'_'+name if item not in self.state_to_index: print "Missing item",item found=False break indices[name] = self.state_to_index[item] if not found: print "SimLogPlayback: Warning, not all elements of rigid object",obj.getName(),"present in log file" warned = True self.rigid_object_indices.append(None) continue #TODO: load sensor measurements self.rigid_object_indices.append(indices) if warned: raw_input("Press enter to continue") return
[docs] def updateSim(self,time=-1,timestep=-1): sim = self.sim world = if time >= 0: try: timeindex = self.state_to_index['time'] except IndexError: raise ValueError("'time' column is not present in playback file, can't update by time") timelist = [v[timeindex] for v in self.state_array] for i in xrange(len(timelist)-1): if time < timelist[i]: break #print "Time",time,"Time step",timestep self.updateSim(timestep = i) return if timestep >= len(self.state_array): timestep = len(self.state_array)-1 state = self.state_array[timestep] try: timeindex = self.state_to_index['time'] #sim.fakeSimulate(state[timeindex] - sim.getTime()) #TODO: change the simulation time except IndexError: pass for i in xrange(world.numRobots()): indices = self.robot_indices[i] if indices == None: continue robot = world.robot(i) robot.setConfig([state[ind] for ind in indices['q']]) robot.setVelocity([state[ind] for ind in indices['dq']]) for j in xrange(robot.numLinks()): link = sim.body(link).setTransform(*link.getTransform()) sim.body(link).setVelocity(link.getAngularVelocity(),link.getVelocity()) #TODO: update sensors for i in xrange(world.numRigidObjects()): obj = world.rigidObject(i) indices = self.rigid_object_indices[i] if indices == None: continue t = (state[indices['x']],state[indices['y']],state[indices['z']]) R = so3.from_moment((state[indices['rx']],state[indices['ry']],state[indices['rz']])) v = (state[indices['dx']],state[indices['dy']],state[indices['dz']]) w = (state[indices['wx']],state[indices['wy']],state[indices['wz']]) obj.setTransform(R,t) obj.setVelocity(w,v) sim.body(obj).setTransform(R,t) sim.body(obj).setVelocity(w,v)