Source code for klampt.sim.settle

from ..robotsim import *
from ..math import vectorops,so3,se3
import random
from .. import vis
import time
import math
from ..model.trajectory import Trajectory
from import ContactPoint

[docs]def settle(world,obj, forcedir=(0,0,-1),forcept=(0,0,0), settletol=1e-4,orientationDamping=0.0, perturb=0,margin=None, debug=False): """Assuming that all other elements in the world besides object are frozen, this "settles" the object by applying a force in the direction forcedir and simulating until the object stops moving. An exception is raised if the object is already colliding with the world. Args: world (WorldModel): the world containing other static and moving objects obj: a RigidObjectModel, RobotModelLink, or floating-base Robot that will be settled. forcedir (list of 3 floats, optional): a vector parallel to the direction of force whose magnitude is the maximum distance this procedure will try to move the object. forcept (list of 3 floats, optional): local coordinates of the center of force application. settletol (float, optional): the simulation will stop when two subsequent transforms lie within this tolerance. orientationDamping (float, optional): a virtual spring will attempt to keep the initial orientation with this torsional spring constant perturb (float, optional): if nonzero, the application force will be perturbed at random by this amount every step. If equal to 1, this means the force is sampled from a 45 degree cone in the direction forcedir. margin (float, optional): the collision detection margin used in simulation. If None, uses the Simulator default. Otherwise, overrides the default. Must be at least settletol. debug (bool, optional): if True, uses the visualization to debug the settling process Returns: (tuple): A pair (transform,touched) with: - transform (se3 transform): The resulting se3 transform of the object, or None if the object didn't hit anything by the time it translated by ||forcedir|| units - touched (dict): a dictionary whose keys are object IDs touched by the object at the final transform, and whose values are lists of ContactPoints (see giving the contacts between obj and the touched object. To convert the result to a hold, call:: h = Hold() h.setFixed(obj,sum(touched.values(),[])) """ assert isinstance(world,WorldModel) inworld = False if isinstance(obj,(str,int)): world = world.copy() obj = world.rigidObject(obj) assert obj.index >= 0,"Object "+str(obj)+" does not exist in world" elif isinstance(obj,RobotModel): raise NotImplementedError("TODO: settle free-floating robots") elif isinstance(obj,RobotModelLink): if world.index != raise ValueError("Object is not present in the given world") assert obj.robotIndex >= 0 and obj.robotIndex < world.numRobots() robot = world.robot(obj.robotIndex) assert obj.index >= 0 and obj.index < robot.numLinks() newWorld = WorldModel() for i in xrange(world.numRobots()): if i == obj.robotIndex: continue newWorld.add(world.robot(i).getName(),world.robot(i)) for i in xrange(world.numRigidObjects()): newWorld.add(world.rigidObject(i).getName(),world.rigidObject(i)) for i in xrange(world.numTerrains()): newWorld.add(world.terrain(i).getName(),world.terrain(i)) newObj = newWorld.makeRigidObject("obj") newObj.geometry().set(obj.geometry()) newObj.setMass(obj.getMass()) #newObj.setContactParameters(obj.getContactParameters()) newObj.setTransform(*obj.getTransform()) return settle(newWorld,newObj, forcedir,forcept, settletol,orientationDamping, perturb,margin,debug) elif isinstance(obj,RigidObjectModel): pass else: raise ValueError("Invalid object type given, only supports RigidObjectModels, RobotModelLinks, and RobotModels") #get a bounding box around the object forcept_world = se3.apply(obj.getTransform(),forcept) bmin,bmax = obj.geometry().getBB() #compute radius about forcept, expand BB due to potential for orientation change R = 0 for i in range(3): R += pow(max(forcept_world[i]-bmin[i],bmax[i]-forcept_world[i]),2) R = math.sqrt(R) bmin = [x - R for x in forcept_world] bmax = [x + R for x in forcept_world] #expand BB about force direction for i in range(3): if forcedir[i] < 0: bmin[i] += forcedir[i] else: bmax[i] += forcedir[i] if world.index != raise ValueError("Object is not present in the given world") assert obj.index >= 0 and obj.index < world.numRigidObjects() #exclude objects that have no chance of being in way of object newWorld = WorldModel() newObj = None for i in xrange(world.numRobots()): robot = world.robot(i) for j in xrange(robot.numLinks()): link = if _bboverlap((bmin,bmax),link): #add robot link as static geometry newObj = newWorld.makeRigidObject(robot.getName()+":"+link.getName()) newObj.geometry().set(link.geometry()) mass = Mass() mass.setMass(float('inf')) mass.setCom([0]*3) mass.setInertia([float('inf')]*3) newObj.setMass(mass) newObj.setTransform(link.getTransform()) #TODO: what surface properties? for i in xrange(world.numRigidObjects()): if _bboverlap((bmin,bmax),world.rigidObject(i)): o = newWorld.add(world.rigidObject(i).getName(),world.rigidObject(i)) if i == obj.index: newObj = o else: assert i != obj.index for i in xrange(world.numTerrains()): if _bboverlap((bmin,bmax),world.terrain(i)): newWorld.add(world.terrain(i).getName(),world.terrain(i)) world = newWorld obj = newObj movedist = vectorops.norm(forcedir) if movedist < settletol: print "sim.settle(): warning, force movement distance less than settletol. Was this intended?" return (body.getTransform(),[]) forcedir = vectorops.div(forcedir,movedist) forceamt = obj.getMass().mass sim = Simulator(world) body = sim.body(obj) otherbodies = [] otherids = [] for i in xrange(world.numRigidObjects()): otherids.append(world.rigidObject(i).getID()) otherbodies.append(sim.body(world.rigidObject(i))) for i in xrange(world.numTerrains()): otherids.append(world.terrain(i).getID()) otherbodies.append(sim.body(world.terrain(i))) otherids.remove(obj.getID()) otherbodies = [b for b in otherbodies if b.body != body.body] if len(otherbodies) == 0: print "sim.settle(): no objects in direction",vectorops.mul(forcedir,movedist) return (None,[]) if margin != None: assert margin >= settletol,"Collision margin must be at least settletol" for b in otherbodies: b.setCollisionPadding(0) body.setCollisionPadding(margin) else: margin = body.getCollisionPadding() margin += min([b.getCollisionPadding() for b in otherbodies]) #set up simulation dt = max(settletol,margin*0.5) forceamt /= dt*0.5 sim.setGravity((0,0,0)) sim.setSimStep(dt) for id in otherids: sim.enableContactFeedback(obj.getID(),id) #turn off all restitution s = body.getSurface() s.kRestitution = 0 body.setSurface(s) for b in otherbodies: s = b.getSurface() s.kRestitution = 0 b.setSurface(s) #disable other bodies for b in otherbodies: b.setVelocity([0.0]*3,[0.0]*3) b.enableDynamics(False) body.setVelocity([0.0]*3,vectorops.mul(forcedir,movedist)) sim.simulate(0) s = sim.getStatus() if s == Simulator.STATUS_CONTACT_UNRELIABLE: print "sim.settle(): warning, object already penetrating other objects. Trying to pull back..." T0 = body.getTransform() body.setTransform(T0[0],vectorops.madd(T0[1],forcedir,margin)) sim.simulate(0) s = sim.getStatus() if s == Simulator.STATUS_CONTACT_UNRELIABLE: print " pulling back failed." return (None,[]) if debug: vis.add("world",world) springanchorworld = se3.apply(obj.getTransform(),forcept) Rspringanchor = obj.getTransform()[0] numSettled = 0 Told = body.getTransform() t = 0 while t < 1: #print "Simulating, t =",t if perturb: fpert = (random.gauss(0,perturb),random.gauss(0,perturb),random.gauss(0,perturb)) fpert = vectorops.sub(fpert,vectorops.mul(forcedir,,fpert))) f = vectorops.add(forcedir,fpert) else: f = forcedir springanchorbody = se3.apply(body.getObjectTransform(),forcept) Rspringbody = body.getObjectTransform()[0] #vis.add("Tobject",body.getObjectTransform()) kSpring = forceamt #kSpring = 0 f = vectorops.madd(vectorops.mul(f,forceamt),vectorops.sub(springanchorworld,springanchorbody),kSpring) body.applyForceAtLocalPoint(f,forcept) if orientationDamping > 0: #local orientation change: transform from body to anchor frame wlocal = so3.moment(so3.mul(Rspringanchor,so3.inv(Rspringbody))) #world orientation spring w = so3.apply(Rspringbody,wlocal) #w = so3.apply(Rspringbody,so3.error(Rspringanchor,Rspringbody)) #vis.add("orientation",Trajectory([0,1],[Told[1],vectorops.madd(Told[1],w,1)])) #vis.add("orientationloc",Trajectory([0,1],[Told[1],vectorops.madd(Told[1],wlocal,1)])) #vis.setColor("orientationloc",0,1,0) #body.applyWrench([0]*3,vectorops.mul(w,orientationDamping)) body.applyWrench([0]*3,vectorops.mul(wlocal,orientationDamping)) if debug: vis.lock() sim.simulate(dt) sim.updateWorld() vis.unlock() time.sleep(0) else: sim.simulate(dt) #test for settling w,v = body.getVelocity() T = body.getTransform() err = se3.error(T,Told) #if debug: # print "Status:",sim.getStatus(),"velocity",w,v,"error",vectorops.norm(err) if vectorops.norm(err) < settletol: numSettled += 1 else: numSettled = 0 if numSettled >= 2: print "sim.settle(): Settled at time",t touched = [id for id in otherids if sim.inContact(obj.getID(),id)] cps = [sim.getContacts(obj.getID(),id) for id in touched] tdict = dict() for id,cplist in zip(touched,cps): tdict[id] = [ContactPoint(ci[0:3],ci[3:6],ci[6]) for ci in cplist] return (body.getObjectTransform(),tdict) #apply drag body.setVelocity(vectorops.mul(w,0.8),vectorops.mul(v,0.8)) Told = T springanchorworld = vectorops.madd(springanchorworld,forcedir,dt*movedist) t += dt print "Failed to settle? Final velocity",body.getVelocity() touched = [id for id in otherids if sim.inContact(obj.getID(),id)] cps = [sim.getContacts(obj.getID(),id) for id in touched] tdict = dict() for id,cplist in zip(touched,cps): tdict[id] = [ContactPoint(ci[0:3],ci[3:6],ci[6]) for ci in cplist] return (body.getObjectTransform(),tdict)
def _bboverlap(bb,element): if isinstance(element,RobotModel): return any(_bboverlap(bb, for i in xrange(element.numLinks())) else: bb2 = element.geometry().getBB() print "BBox",bb print " Testing overlap with",element.getName(),"bbox",bb2 for (a,b,c,d) in zip(bb[0],bb[1],bb2[0],bb2[1]): if not (a >= c and a <= d or b >= c and b <= d) and not (c >= a and c <= b or d >= a and d <= b): print " No overlap" return False print " Overlap" return True