Source code for klampt.math.so3

"""Operations for rigid rotations in Klampt.  All rotations are
represented by a 9-list specifying the entries of the rotation matrix
in column major form.

In other words, given a 3x3 matrix::


Klamp't represents the matrix as a list [a11,a21,a31,a12,a22,a32,a13,a23,a33].

The reasons for this representation are 1) simplicity, and 2) a more
convenient interface with C code.


import math
import vectorops

def __str__(R):
    """Converts a rotation to a string."""
    return '\n'.join([' '.join([str(ri) for ri in r]) for r in matrix(R)])

[docs]def identity(): """Returns the identity rotation""" return [1.,0.,0.,0.,1.,0.,0.,0.,1.]
[docs]def inv(R): """Inverts the rotation""" Rinv = [R[0],R[3],R[6],R[1],R[4],R[7],R[2],R[5],R[8]] return Rinv
[docs]def apply(R,point): """Applies the rotation to a point""" return (R[0]*point[0]+R[3]*point[1]+R[6]*point[2], R[1]*point[0]+R[4]*point[1]+R[7]*point[2], R[2]*point[0]+R[5]*point[1]+R[8]*point[2])
[docs]def matrix(R): """Returns the 3x3 rotation matrix corresponding to R""" return [[R[0],R[3],R[6]], [R[1],R[4],R[7]], [R[2],R[5],R[8]]]
[docs]def from_matrix(mat): """Returns an R corresponding to the 3x3 rotation matrix mat""" R = [mat[0][0],mat[1][0],mat[2][0],mat[0][1],mat[1][1],mat[2][1],mat[0][2],mat[1][2],mat[2][2]] return R
[docs]def mul(R1,R2): """Multiplies two rotations.""" m1=matrix(R1) m2T=matrix(inv(R2)) mres = matrix(identity()) for i in xrange(3): for j in xrange(3): mres[i][j] =[i],m2T[j]) #print "Argument 1" #print __str__(R1) #print "Argument 2" #print __str__(R2) #print "Result" R = from_matrix(mres) #print __str__(R) return R
[docs]def trace(R): """Computes the trace of the rotation matrix.""" return R[0]+R[4]+R[8]
[docs]def angle(R): """Returns absolute deviation of R from identity""" ctheta = (trace(R) - 1.0)*0.5 return math.acos(max(min(ctheta,1.0),-1.0))
[docs]def rpy(R): """Converts a rotation matrix to a roll,pitch,yaw angle triple. The result is given in radians.""" sign = lambda x: 1 if x > 0 else (-1 if x < 0 else 0) m = matrix(R) _sb = min(1.0, max(m[2][0],-1.0)) b = -math.asin(_sb) # m(2,0)=-sb cb = math.cos(b) if abs(cb) > 1e-7: ca = m[0][0]/cb #m(0,0)=ca*cb ca = min(1.0,max(ca,-1.0)) if sign(m[1][0]) == sign(cb): #m(1,0)=sa*cb a = math.acos(ca); else: a = 2*math.pi - math.acos(ca) cc = m[2][2] / cb #m(2,2)=cb*cc cc = min(1.0,max(cc,-1.0)) if sign(m[2][1]) == sign(cb): #m(2,1)=cb*sc c = math.acos(cc) else: c = math.pi*2 - math.acos(cc) else: #b is close to 90 degrees, i.e. cb=0 #this reduces the degrees of freedom, so we can set c=0 c = 0 #m(0,1)=-sa _sa = min(1.0, max(m[0][1],-1.0)) a = -math.asin(_sa); if sign(math.cos(a)) != sign(m[1][1]): #m(1,1)=ca a = math.pi - a; return c,b,a
[docs]def from_rpy(rollpitchyaw): """Converts from roll,pitch,yaw angle triple to a rotation matrix. The triple is given in radians. The x axis is "roll", y is "pitch", and z is "yaw". """ roll,pitch,yaw = rollpitchyaw Rx,Ry,Rz = from_axis_angle(((1,0,0),roll)),from_axis_angle(((0,1,0),pitch)),from_axis_angle(((0,0,1),yaw)) return mul(Rz,mul(Ry,Rx))
[docs]def rotation_vector(R): """Returns the rotation vector w (exponential map) representation of R such that e^[w] = R. Equivalent to axis-angle representation with w/||w||=axis, ||w||=angle.""" theta = angle(R) if abs(theta-math.pi)<0.5: #for values close to pi this alternate technique has better numerical #performance c = math.cos(theta) x2=(R[0]-c)/(1.0 - c) y2=(R[4]-c)/(1.0 - c) z2=(R[8]-c)/(1.0 - c) if x2 < 0: assert(x2>-1e-5) x2=0 if y2 < 0: assert(y2>-1e-5) y2=0 if z2 < 0: assert(z2>-1e-5) z2=0 x = theta*math.sqrt(x2) y = theta*math.sqrt(y2) z = theta*math.sqrt(z2) if abs(theta-math.pi) < 1e-5: #determined up to sign changes, we know r12=2xy,r13=2xz,r23=2yz xy=R[3] xz=R[6] yz=R[7] if(x > y): if(x > z): #x is largest if(xy < 0): y=-y if(xz < 0): z=-z else: #z is largest if(yz < 0): y=-y if(xz < 0): x=-x else: if(y > z): #y is largest if(xy < 0): x=-x if(yz < 0): z=-z else: #z is largest if(yz < 0): y=-y if(xz < 0): x=-x else: #alternate technique: use sign of anti-cross product eps = theta-math.pi if eps*(R[3+2]-R[6+1]) > 0: x = -x if eps*(R[6+0]-R[0+2]) > 0: y = -y if eps*(R[0+1]-R[3+0]) > 0: z = -z return [x,y,z] #normal scale = 0.5 if abs(theta) > 1e-5: scale = 0.5*theta/math.sin(theta) x = (R[3+2]-R[6+1]) * scale; y = (R[6+0]-R[0+2]) * scale; z = (R[0+1]-R[3+0]) * scale; return [x,y,z]
[docs]def axis_angle(R): """Returns the (axis,angle) pair representing R""" m = rotation_vector(R) return (vectorops.unit(m),vectorops.norm(m))
[docs]def from_axis_angle(aa): """Converts an axis-angle representation (axis,angle) to a 3D rotation matrix.""" return rotation(aa[0],aa[1])
[docs]def from_rotation_vector(w): """Converts a rotation vector representation w to a 3D rotation matrix.""" length = vectorops.norm(w) if length < 1e-7: return identity() return rotation(vectorops.mul(w,1.0/length),length)
#aliases for rotation_vector and from_rotation_vector moment = rotation_vector from_moment = from_rotation_vector
[docs]def from_quaternion(q): """Given a unit quaternion (w,x,y,z), produce the corresponding rotation matrix.""" w,x,y,z = q x2 = x + x; y2 = y + y; z2 = z + z; xx = x * x2; xy = x * y2; xz = x * z2; yy = y * y2; yz = y * z2; zz = z * z2; wx = w * x2; wy = w * y2; wz = w * z2; a11 = 1.0 - (yy + zz) a12 = xy - wz a13 = xz + wy a21 = xy + wz a22 = 1.0 - (xx + zz) a23 = yz - wx a31 = xz - wy a32 = yz + wx a33 = 1.0 - (xx + yy) return [a11,a21,a31,a12,a22,a32,a13,a23,a33]
[docs]def quaternion(R): """Given a Klamp't rotation representation, produces the corresponding unit quaternion (w,x,y,z).""" tr = trace(R) + 1.0; a11,a21,a31,a12,a22,a32,a13,a23,a33 = R #If the trace is nonzero, it's a nondegenerate rotation if tr > 1e-5: s = math.sqrt(tr) w = s * 0.5 s = 0.5 / s x = (a32 - a23) * s y = (a13 - a31) * s z = (a21 - a12) * s return vectorops.unit((w,x,y,z)) else: #degenerate it's a rotation of 180 degrees nxt = [1, 2, 0] #check for largest diagonal entry i = 0 if a22 > a11: i = 1 if a33 > max(a11,a22): i = 2 j = nxt[i] k = nxt[j] M = matrix(R) q = [0.0]*4 s = math.sqrt((M[i][i] - (M[j][j] + M[k][k])) + 1.0); q[i] = s * 0.5 if abs(s)<1e-7: raise ValueError("Could not solve for quaternion... Invalid rotation matrix?") else: s = 0.5 / s; q[3] = (M[k][j] - M[j][k]) * s; q[j] = (M[i][j] + M[j][i]) * s; q[k] = (M[i][k] + M[i][k]) * s; w,x,y,z = q[3],q[0],q[1],q[2] return vectorops.unit([w,x,y,z])
[docs]def distance(R1,R2): """Returns the absolute angle one would need to rotate in order to get from R1 to R2""" R = mul(R1,inv(R2)) return angle(R)
[docs]def error(R1,R2): """Returns a 3D "difference vector" that describes how far R1 is from R2. More precisely, this is the Lie derivative, which is the rotation vector representation of R1*R2^T.""" R = mul(R1,inv(R2)) return moment(R)
[docs]def cross_product(w): """Returns the cross product matrix associated with w. The matrix [w]R is the derivative of the matrix R as it rotates about the axis w/||w|| with angular velocity ||w||. """ return [0.,w[2],-w[1], -w[2],0.,w[0], w[1],-w[0],0.]
[docs]def rotation(axis,angle): """Given a unit axis and an angle in radians, returns the rotation matrix.""" cm = math.cos(angle) sm = math.sin(angle) #m = s[r]-c[r][r]+rrt = s[r]-c(rrt-I)+rrt = cI + rrt(1-c) + s[r] R = vectorops.mul(cross_product(axis),sm) for i in xrange(3): for j in xrange(3): R[i*3+j] += axis[i]*axis[j]*(1.-cm) R[0] += cm R[4] += cm R[8] += cm return R
[docs]def canonical(v): """Given a unit vector v, finds R that defines a basis [x,y,z] such that x = v and y and z are orthogonal""" if abs(vectorops.normSquared(v) - 1.0) > 1e-4: raise RuntimeError("Nonunit vector supplied to canonical()") assert(len(v)==3) if abs(v[0]-1.0) < 1e-5: return identity() elif abs(v[0]+1.0) < 1e-5: #flip of basis R = identity() R[0] = -1.0 R[4] = -1.0 return R R = list(v) + [0.]*6 x,y,z = v scale = (1.0-x)/(1.0-x*x); R[3]= -y; R[4]= x + scale*z*z; R[5]= -scale*y*z; R[6]= -z; R[7]= -scale*y*z; R[8]= x + scale*y*y; return R
[docs]def vector_rotation(v1,v2): """Finds the minimal-angle matrix that rotates v1 to v2. v1 and v2 are assumed to be nonzero""" a1 = vectorops.unit(v1) a2 = vectorops.unit(v2) cp = vectorops.cross(a1,a2) dp =,a2) if abs(vectorops.norm(cp)) < 1e-4: if dp < 0: R0 = canonical(a1) #return a rotation 180 degrees about the canonical y axis return rotation(R0[3:6],math.pi) else: return identity() else: angle = math.acos(max(min(dp,1.0),-1.0)) axis = vectorops.mul(cp,1.0/vectorops.norm(cp)) return rotation(axis,angle)
[docs]def interpolate(R1,R2,u): """Interpolate linearly between the two rotations R1 and R2. """ R = mul(inv(R1),R2) m = moment(R) angle = vectorops.norm(m) if angle==0: return R1 axis = vectorops.div(m,angle) return mul(R1,rotation(axis,angle*u))
[docs]def det(R): """Returns the determinant of the 3x3 matrix R""" m = matrix(R) return m[0][0]*m[1][1]*m[2][2]+m[0][1]*m[1][2]*m[2][0]+m[0][2]*m[1][0]*m[2][1]-m[0][0]*m[1][2]*m[2][1]-m[0][1]*m[1][0]*m[2][2]-m[0][2]*m[1][1]*m[2][0]
[docs]def is_rotation(R,tol=1e-5): """Returns true if R is a rotation matrix, i.e. is orthogonal to the given tolerance and has + determinant""" RRt = mul(R,inv(R)) err = vectorops.sub(RRt,identity()) if any(abs(v) > tol for v in err): return False if det(R) < 0: return False return True
[docs]def sample(): """Returns a uniformly distributed rotation matrix.""" import random q = [random.gauss(0,1),random.gauss(0,1),random.gauss(0,1),random.gauss(0,1)] q = vectorops.unit(q) theta = math.acos(q[3])*2.0 if abs(theta) < 1e-8: m = [0,0,0] else: m = vectorops.mul(vectorops.unit(q[0:3]),theta) return from_moment(m)