Source code for

"""Functions for loading/saving Klampt' objects to disk in the same format
as the Klampt C++ bindings / JSON formats.

Can read/write objects using the general purpose reader/writer functions
'read(type,text)' and 'write(x,type)'.

Can load/save objects using the general purpose loader/saver functions
'load(type,fileName)' and 'save(x,type,fileName)'.

Json serialization/deserialization are handled using the toJson and fromJson
from ..robotsim import *
from ..math import so3,vectorops
from import ContactPoint, Hold
from ..model.trajectory import Trajectory

[docs]def writeVector(q): """Writes a vector to a string in the length-prepended format 'n v1 ... vn'""" return str(len(q))+'\t'+' '.join(str(v) for v in q)
[docs]def readVector(text): """Reads a length-prepended vector from a string 'n v1 ... vn'""" items = text.split() if len(items) == 0: raise ValueError("Empty text") if int(items[0])+1 != len(items): raise ValueError("Invalid number of items") return [float(v) for v in items[1:]]
[docs]def writeVectorRaw(x): """Writes a vector to a string in the raw format 'v1 ... vn'""" return ' '.join(str(xi) for xi in x)
[docs]def readVectorRaw(text): """Reads a vector from a raw string 'v1 ... vn'""" items = text.split() return [float(v) for v in items]
[docs]def writeVectorList(x): """Writes a list of vectors to string""" return '\n'.join(writeVector(xi) for xi in x)
[docs]def readVectorList(text): """Reads a list of endline-separated vectors from a string""" items = text.split() vectors = [] pos = 0 while pos < len(items): n = int(items[pos]) vectors.append([float(v) for v in items[pos+1:pos+1+n]]) pos += 1+n return vectors
[docs]def writeMatrix(x): """Writes a matrix to a string in the format m n x11 x12 ... x1n ... xm1 xm2 ... xmn """ return '\n'.join([str(len(x))+' '+str(len(x[0]))]+[writeVectorRaw(xi) for xi in x])
[docs]def readMatrix(text): """Reads a matrix from a string in the format m n x11 x12 ... x1n ... xm1 xm2 ... xmn """ items = text.split() if len(items) < 2: raise ValueError("Invalid matrix string") m,n = int(items[0]),int(items[1]) if len(items) != 2 + m*n: raise ValueError("Invalid number of matrix elements, should be %d, instead got %d"%(m*n,len(items)-2)) k = 2 x = [] for i in xrange(m): x.append([float(v) for v in items[k:k+n]]) k += n return x
[docs]def writeSo3(x): """Writes an so3 element, i.e., rotation matrix, to string in the same format as written to by Klampt C++ bindings (row major).""" assert len(x)==9,"Argument must be an so3 element" return '\t'.join([' '.join([str(mij) for mij in mi ]) for mi in so3.matrix(x)])
[docs]def readSo3(text): """Reads an so3 element, i.e., rotation matrix, from string in the same format as written to by Klampt C++ bindings (row major).""" items = text.split() if len(items) != 9: raise ValueError("Invalid element of SO3, must have 9 elements") return so3.inv([float(v) for v in items])
[docs]def writeSe3(x): """Writes an se3 element, i.e., rigid transformation, to string in the same format as written to by Klampt C++ bindings (row major R, followed by t).""" return writeSo3(x[0])+'\t'+writeVectorRaw(x[1])
[docs]def readSe3(text): """Reads an se3 element, i.e., rigid transformation, to string in the same format as written to by Klampt C++ bindings (row major R, followed by t).""" items = text.split() if len(items) != 12: raise ValueError("Invalid element of SE3, must have 12 elements") return (so3.inv([float(v) for v in items[:9]]),[float(v) for v in items[9:]])
[docs]def writeMatrix3(x): """Writes a 3x3 matrix to a string""" return writeSo3(so3.from_matrix(text))
[docs]def readMatrix3(text): """Reads a 3x3 matrix from a string""" return so3.matrix(readSo3(text))
def writeContactPoint(cp): """Writes a contact point's members x,n,kFriction""" return ' '.join(str(v) for v in cp.tolist())
[docs]def readContactPoint(text): """Reads a contact point from a string 'x1 x2 x3 n1 n2 n3 kFriction'""" items = text.split() if len(items)!=7: raise ValueError("Invalid number of items, should be 7") return ContactPoint([float(v) for v in items[0:3]],[float(v) for v in items[3:6]],float(items[6]))
[docs]def writeContactPoint(cp): """Writes a contact point to a string 'x1 x2 x3 n1 n2 n3 kFriction'""" return ' '.join([str(v) for v in list(cp.x)+list(cp.n)+[cp.kFriction]])
[docs]def readIKObjective(text): """Reads an IKObjective from a string in the Klamp't native format ``link destLink posConstraintType [pos constraint items] ... rotConstraintType [rot constraint items]`` where link and destLink are integers, posConstraintType is one of * N: no constraint * P: position constrained to a plane * L: position constrained to a line * F: position constrained to a point and rotConstraintType is one of * N: no constraint * T: two-axis constraint (not supported) * A: rotation constrained about axis * F: fixed rotation The [pos constraint items] contain a variable number of whitespace- separated items, dependending on posConstraintType: * N: 0 items * P: the local position xl yl zl, world position x y z on the plane, and plane normal nx,ny,nz * L: the local position xl yl zl, world position x y z on the line, and line axis direction nx,ny,nz * F: the local position xl yl zl and world position x y z The [rot constraint items] contain a variable number of whitespace- separated items, dependending on rotConstraintType: * N: 0 items * T: not supported * A: the local axis xl yl zl and the world axis x y z * F: the world rotation matrix, in moment (aka exponential map) form mx my mz (see so3.from_moment()) """ items = text.split() if len(items) < 4: raise ValueError("Not enough items to unpack") link = int(items[0]) destlink = int(items[1]) ind = 2 posType = None posLocal = None posWorld = None posDirection = None rotType = None rotWorld = None rotAxis = None #read pos constraint posType = items[ind] ind += 1 if posType=='N': #no constraint pass elif posType=='P' or posType=='L': posLocal = items[ind:ind+3] ind += 3 posWorld = items[ind:ind+3] ind += 3 posDirection = items[ind:ind+3] ind += 3 elif posType=='F': posLocal = items[ind:ind+3] ind += 3 posWorld = items[ind:ind+3] ind += 3 else: raise ValueError("Invalid pos type "+posType+", must be N,P,L or F") rotType = items[ind] ind += 1 if rotType=='N': #no constraint pass elif rotType=='T' or rotType=='A': rotAxis = items[ind:ind+3] ind += 3 rotWorld = items[ind:ind+3] ind += 3 elif rotType=='F': rotWorld = items[ind:ind+3] ind += 3 else: raise ValueError("Invalid rot type "+rotType+", must be N,T,A or F") if posLocal: posLocal = [float(v) for v in posLocal] if posWorld: posWorld = [float(v) for v in posWorld] if posDirection: posDirection = [float(v) for v in posDirection] if rotAxis: rotAxis = [float(v) for v in rotAxis] if rotWorld: rotWorld = [float(v) for v in rotWorld] obj = IKObjective() obj.setLinks(link,destlink); if posType=='N': obj.setFreePosConstraint() elif posType=='F': obj.setFixedPosConstraint(posLocal,posWorld) elif posType=='P': obj.setPlanePosConstraint(posLocal,posDirection,,posWorld)) else: obj.setLinearPosConstraint(posLocal,posWorld,posDirection) if rotType == 'N': obj.setFreeRotConstraint() elif rotType == 'F': #fixed constraint R = so3.from_moment(rotWorld) obj.setFixedRotConstraint(R) elif rotType == 'A': obj.setAxialRotConstraint(rotAxis,rotWorld) else: raise NotImplementedError("Two-axis rotational constraints not supported") return obj
[docs]def writeIKObjective(obj): return obj.saveString()
[docs]def readHold(text): """Loads a Hold from a string""" lines = parseLines(text) if lines[0] != 'begin hold': raise ValueError('Invalid hold begin text') if lines[-1] != 'end': raise ValueError('Invalid hold end text') h = Hold() posLocal = None posWorld = None localPos0 = None rotAxis = None rotWorld = None iktype = 0 for l in lines[1:-1]: items = l.split() if items[1] != '=': raise ValueError("Invalid line format") if items[0] == 'link': = int(items[2]) elif items[0] == 'contacts': ind = 2 while ind < len(items): h.contacts.append(readContactPoint(' '.join(items[ind:ind+7]))) ind += 7 elif items[0] == "position": posLocal = [float(v) for v in items[2:5]] posWorld = [float(v) for v in items[5:8]] elif items[0] == "axis": rotAxis = [float(v) for v in items[2:5]] rotWorld = [float(v) for v in items[5:8]] elif items[0] == "rotation": rotWorld = [float(v) for v in items[2:5]] elif items[0] == "ikparams": localPos0 = [float(v) for v in items[2:5]] rotWorld = [float(v) for v in items[5:8]] iktype = 1 else: raise ValueError("Invalid item "+items[0]) if iktype == 0: h.ikConstraint = IKObjective() if posLocal==None: raise ValueError("Hold must have some point constraint") if rotWorld==None: h.ikConstraint.setFixedPoint(,posLocal,posWorld) elif rotAxis==None: R = so3.from_moment(rotWorld) t = vectorops.sub(posWorld,so3.apply(R,posLocal)) h.ikConstraint.setFixedTransform(,R,t) else: raise NotImplementedError("Can't do axis rotation yet") h.ikConstraint.setAxisRotation(,posLocal,posWorld,localAxis,worldAxis) else: raise NotImplementedError("other ik specifications not done yet") h.setupIKConstraint(localPos0,rotWorld) return h
[docs]def writeHold(h): """Writes a Hold to a string""" text = "begin hold\n" text += " link = "+str("\n" text += " contacts = "; text += " \\\n ".join([writeContactPoint(c) for c in h.contacts]) text += "\n" localPos, worldPos = h.ikConstraint.getPosition() text += " position = "+" ".join(str(v) for v in localPos)+" \\\n" text += " "+" ".join(str(v) for v in worldPos)+"\n" #TODO: write ik constraint rotation if h.ikConstraint.numRotDims()==3: #fixed rotation m = so3.moment(h.ikConstraint.getRotation()) text += "rotation = "+" ".join(str(v) for v in m)+"\n" elif h.ikConstraint.numRotDims()==1: locAxis,worldAxis = h.ikConstraint.getRotationAxis() text += "axis = "+" ".join(str(v) for v in locAxis)+" \\\n" text += " "+" ".join(str(v) for v in worldaxis)+"\n" text += "end" return text
[docs]def writeGeometricPrimitive(g): return g.saveString()
[docs]def readGeometricPrimitive(text): g = GeometricPrimitive() if not g.loadString(text): raise RuntimeError("Error reading GeometricPrimitive from string") return g
[docs]def readIntArray(text): """Reads a length-prepended vector from a string 'n v1 ... vn'""" items = text.split() if int(items[0])+1 != len(items): raise ValueError("Invalid number of items") return [int(v) for v in items[1:]]
[docs]def readStringArray(text): """Reads a length-prepended vector from a string 'n v1 ... vn'""" items = text.split() if int(items[0])+1 != len(items): raise ValueError("Invalid number of items") return items[1:]
[docs]def parseLines(text): """Returns a list of lines from the given text. Understands end-of-line escapes '\\n'""" lines = text.strip().split('\n') esclines = [] esc = False for l in lines: if esc: esclines[-1] = esclines[-1]+l else: esclines.append(l) if len(l)>0 and l[-1]=='\\': esclines[-1] = esclines[-1][:-1] esc = True else: esc = False return esclines
readers = {'Config':readVector, 'Vector':readVector, 'Configs':readVectorList, 'Vector3':readVectorRaw, 'Matrix':readMatrix, 'Matrix3':readMatrix3, 'Rotation':readSo3, 'RigidTransform':readSe3, 'IKObjective':readIKObjective, 'IKGoal':readIKObjective, 'Hold':readHold, 'GeometricPrimitive':readGeometricPrimitive, 'IntArray':readIntArray, 'StringArray':readStringArray, } writers = {'Config':writeVector, 'Vector':writeVector, 'Configs':writeVectorList, 'Vector3':writeVectorRaw, 'Matrix':writeMatrix, 'Matrix3':writeMatrix3, 'Rotation':writeSo3, 'RigidTransform':writeSe3, 'IKObjective':writeIKObjective, 'IKGoal':writeIKObjective, 'Hold':writeHold, 'GeometricPrimitive':writeGeometricPrimitive, 'IntArray':writeVector, 'StringArray':writeVector, }
[docs]def write(obj,type): """General-purpose write of an arbitrary Klampt object to a str.""" if type not in writers: raise RuntimeError("Writing of objects of type "+type+" not supported") return writers[type](obj)
[docs]def read(type,text): """General-purpose read of an arbitrary Klampt object from a str.""" if type not in readers: raise RuntimeError("Reading of objects of type "+type+" not supported") return readers[type](text)
[docs]def loadWorldModel(fn): w = WorldModel() if not w.loadFile(fn): raise RuntimeError("Error reading WorldModel from "+fn) return w
[docs]def loadGeometry3D(fn): g = Geometry3D() if not g.loadFile(fn): raise RuntimeError("Error reading Geometry3D from "+fn) return g
[docs]def loadTrajectory(fn): value = Trajectory() value.load(fn) return value
[docs]def loadMultiPath(fn): from ..model import multipath value = multipath.MultiPath() value.load(fn) return value
loaders = {'Trajectory':loadTrajectory, 'LinearPath':loadTrajectory, 'MultiPath':loadMultiPath, 'Geometry3D':loadGeometry3D, 'WorldModel':loadWorldModel, } savers = {'Trajectory':lambda x,, 'LinearPath':lambda x,, 'MultiPath':lambda x,, 'Geometry3D':lambda x,, 'WorldModel':lambda x,fn:x.writeFile(fn), }
[docs]def save(obj,type,fn): """General-purpose save of an arbitrary Klampt object to a file.""" if type in savers: return savers[type](obj,fn) elif type in writers: f = open(fn,'w') f.write(writers[type](obj)+'\n') f.close() return True elif hasattr(obj,'saveFile'): return obj.saveFile(fn) else: raise RuntimeError("Saving of type "+type+" is not supported")
[docs]def load(type,fn): """General-purpose load of an arbitrary Klampt object from a file.""" if type in loaders: return loaders[type](fn) elif type in readers: f = open(fn,'r') res = readers[type](''.join(f.readlines())) f.close() return res else: raise RuntimeError("Loading of type "+type+" is not supported")
[docs]def toJson(obj,type='auto'): """Converts from a Klamp't object to a JSON-compatible structure. If 'type' is not provided, the type of the object is inferred automatically. The structure can be converted to a JSON string using json.dumps(). Not all objects are supported yet. """ if type == 'auto': if isinstance(obj,(list,tuple)): if all([isinstance(v,(bool,int,float)) for v in obj]): type = 'Vector' else: if len(obj)==2 and len(obj[0])==9 and len(obj[1])==3: type = 'RigidTransform' else: isconfigs = True for item in obj: if not all([isinstance(v,(bool,int,float)) for v in item]): isconfigs = False if isconfigs: type = 'Configs' else: raise RuntimeError("Could not parse object "+str(obj)) elif isinstance(obj,(bool,int,float,str,unicode)): type = 'Value' elif obj.__class__.__name__ in ['ContactPoint','IKObjective','Trajectory','MultiPath']: return obj.__class__.__name__ elif isinstance(obj,Trajectory): #some subclasses of Trajectory may be used here too return "Trajectory" else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown object of type "+obj.__class__.__name__) if type in ['Config','Configs','Vector','Matrix','Vector2','Vector3','Matrix3','Point','Rotation','Value','IntArray','StringArray']: return obj elif type == 'RigidTransform': return obj elif type == 'ContactPoint': return {'x':obj.x,'n':obj.n,'kFriction':kFriction} elif type == 'Trajectory' or type == 'LinearPath': return {'times':obj.times,'milestones':obj.milestones} elif type == 'IKObjective' or type == 'IKGoal': res = {'type':type,'link'} if obj.destLink() >= 0: res['destLink'] = obj.destLink() if obj.numPosDims()==3: res['posConstraint']='fixed' res['localPosition'],res['endPosition']=obj.getPosition() elif obj.numPosDims()==2: res['posConstraint']='linear' res['localPosition'],res['endPosition']=obj.getPosition() res['direction']=obj.getPositionDirection() elif obj.numPosDims()==1: res['posConstraint']='planar' res['localPosition'],res['endPosition']=obj.getPosition() res['direction']=obj.getPositionDirection() else: #less verbose to just eliminate this #res['posConstraint']='free' pass if obj.numRotDims()==3: res['rotConstraint']='fixed' res['endRotation']=so3.moment(obj.getRotation()) elif obj.numRotDims()==2: res['rotConstraint']='axis' res['localAxis'],res['endRotation']=obj.getRotationAxis() elif obj.numRotDims()==1: raise NotImplementedError("twoaxis constraints are not implemented in Klampt") else: #less verbose to just eliminate this #res['rotConstraint']='free' pass return res elif type in writers: return {'type':type,'data':write(obj,type)} else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown or unsupported type "+type)
[docs]def fromJson(jsonobj,type='auto'): """Converts from a JSON structure to a Klamp't object of the appropriate type. If 'type' is not provided, the type of the object is inferred automatically. A JSON structure can be created from a JSON string using json.loads(). """ if type == 'auto': if isinstance(jsonobj,(list,tuple)): return jsonobj elif isinstance(jsonobj,(bool,int,float,str,unicode)): return jsonobj elif isinstance(jsonobj,dict): if 'type' in jsonobj: type = jsonobj["type"] elif 'times' in jsonobj and 'milestones' in jsonobj: type = 'Trajectory' elif 'x' in jsonobj and 'n' in jsonobj and 'kFriction' in jsonobj: type = 'ContactPoint' else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown JSON object of type "+jsonobj.__class__.__name) if type in ['Config','Configs','Vector','Matrix','Matrix3','Rotation','Value','IntArray','StringArray']: return jsonobj elif type == 'RigidTransform': return jsonobj elif type == 'ContactPoint': return ContactPoint(jsonobj['x'],jsonobj['n'],jsonobj['kFriction']) elif type == 'Trajectory' or type == 'LinearPath': return Trajectory(jsonobj['times'],jsonobj['milestones']) elif type == 'IKObjective' or type == 'IKGoal': link = jsonobj['link'] destlink = jsonobj['destLink'] if 'destLink' in jsonobj else -1 posConstraint = 'free' rotConstraint = 'free' localPosition = endPosition = None direction = None endRotation = None localAxis = None if 'posConstraint' in jsonobj: posConstraint = jsonobj['posConstraint'] if 'rotConstraint' in jsonobj: rotConstraint = jsonobj['rotConstraint'] if posConstraint == 'planar' or posConstraint == 'linear': direction = jsonobj['direction'] if posConstraint != 'free': localPosition = jsonobj['localPosition'] endPosition = jsonobj['endPosition'] if rotConstraint != 'free': endRotation = jsonobj['endRotation'] if rotConstraint == 'axis' or rotConstraint == 'twoaxis': localAxis = jsonobj['localAxis'] if posConstraint == 'free' and rotConstraint == 'free': #empty return IKObjective() elif posConstraint != 'fixed': raise NotImplementedError("Can't do non-fixed position constraints yet in Python API") if rotConstraint == 'twoaxis': raise NotImplementedError("twoaxis constraints are not implemented in Klampt") if rotConstraint == 'free': obj = IKObjective() if destlink >= 0: obj.setRelativePoint(link,destlink,localPosition,endPosition) else: obj.setFixedPoint(link,localPosition,endPosition) return obj elif rotConstraint == 'axis': obj = IKObjective() h = 0.1 lpts = [localPosition,vectorops.madd(localPosition,localAxis,h)] wpts = [endPosition,vectorops.madd(endPosition,endRotation,h)] if destlink >= 0: obj.setRelativePoints(link,destlink,lpts,wpts) else: obj.setFixedPoints(link,lpts,wpts) return obj elif rotConstraint == 'fixed': obj = IKObjective() R = so3.from_moment(endRotation) t = vectorops.sub(endPosition,so3.apply(R,localPosition)) obj.setFixedTransform(link,R,t) return obj else: raise RuntimeError("Invalid IK rotation constraint "+rotConstraint) elif type in readers: return read(type,jsonobj["data"]) else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown or unsupported type "+type)