Klamp't  0.8.1
Classes | Functions


struct  ActuatorCommand
 A basic motor type. Handles PID, torque, and locked velocity modes. More...
struct  RobotMotorCommand
 A collection of basic motor types. More...
class  RobotController
 A base class for a robot controller. The base class does nothing. More...
class  RobotControllerFactory
 A class to simplify the loading of different controllers at run time. More...
class  FeedforwardController
 A class that adds a feedforward torque to the basic control. The necessary feedforward torque is estimated assuming the robot is fixed-base. More...
struct  OperationalSpaceController
 A combination of multiple "tasks" that define a weighted optimization objective for the joint torques. More...
class  PolynomialMotionQueue
 A motion queue that runs on a piecewise polynomial path. Can be commanded to reach configurations (with or without velocities specified) smoothly using piecewise linear or cubic curves. More...
class  PolynomialPathController
 A controller that uses a piecewise polynomial trajectory. More...
class  SerialController
 A controller that writes sensor data to a socket and reads robot commands from a socket. More...
class  TabulatedController
 A controller that reads from a grid of torque/desired configuration commands. More...
struct  RobotStateEstimator
 A generic state estimator base class. Base class does nothing. More...
struct  OmniscientStateEstimator
 A state estimator will full knowledge of the robot's simulated state. An ODERobot must be provided at initialization. More...
struct  IntegratedStateEstimator
 A state estimator that integrates information from accelerometers (i.e., an Inertial Measurement Unit) and gravity sensors. More...


void OptimizeMDP (TabulatedController &controller, const Config &qdes, const Vector &w, int numTransitionSamples, Real discount=1.0)
 Optimizes the given tabulated controller to reach the desired configuration qdes, with cost weights w, using an MDP.

Detailed Description